When You’re Afraid of the Dark

When You’re Afraid of the Dark

In the fourteen plus years we’ve been raising kids, we’ve had almost as many years of at least one child being terrified of the dark. Monsters, zombies, and anxiety live in the dark. Night lights, bathroom lamps, closet lights, doors open, doors closed. You name it,...

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Why It Took Courage to Put My Phone Down

Why It Took Courage to Put My Phone Down

Several months ago, I was scrolling on my phone, toggling back and forth between Facebook and Instagram, even refreshing to see if something new was posted. How long had I been doing this? I clicked on the Pinterest app because it never lets me down. The proverbial...

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What Do You Want From Me?

What Do You Want From Me?

I grew up fearing God’s disappointment. Not His wrath. Not a lightning bolt from Heaven. Disappointment. Somewhere I started to believe that unless I checked all the boxes, God was shaking His head in disappointment. And the weight of that was immeasurable. I spent...

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When Peace Isn’t Free

When Peace Isn’t Free

“I want to be the kind of person who is at peace when life is crazy. And I want other people to feel more at peace when they’re with me, you know? You’re that kind of person.” A new friend said that to me recently, and my humbled response was this: “First of all,...

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  Welcome. I'm glad you're here. Do you ever get so lost in the tasks of everyday life that you forget to look for the beauty? Me too. I'm Becca, and I'm done living that way. I've been on a writing sabbatical for two years, after some really hard things happened...

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Hi. I’m Becca Whitson. Jesus follower. Wife. Mom. Counselor. Writer. Telling the story God is writing in my life- the hard, unexpected, beautiful story.


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